What is yogurt? Yogurt is a fermented slightly acid often flavored semisolid food made of milk and milk solids to which cultures of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus (L. bulgarius) and Streptococcus (S. thermophilus) have been added.
There are two types of plain yogurt:
1.Stirred style yogurt
2.Set style yogurt
Other yogurt products include:
Fruit-on-the-bottom style: fruit mixture is layered at the bottom followed by inoculated yogurt, incubation occurs in the sealed cups Soft-serve and Hard Pack frozen yogurt Continental, French, and Swiss: stirred style yogurt with fruit preparation.
How Flavor Shapes Food Quality Perception
The perception of food quality is deeply tied to flavor, a multifaceted
experience that includes taste, aroma, and mouthfeel. Flavor is a powerful