There are two types of plain yoghurt:
*Stirred style yoghurt
*Set style yoghurt
The most popular type of yoghurt in the United States is stirred. Stirred yoghurt may also be referred to as Swiss-style, French, pre-stirred or preblended yoghurt.
Fruit yoghurts are always of the stirred yoghurt. Stirred yoghurt is typically incubated in tanks. After fermentation at 4-42 °C for 3-5 h (temperature and duration depend on the cultures used), the product is stirred at a low speed prior to its transport by pumping and filling.
Stirring of the yoghurt milk during fermentation leads to the products with low viscosity. Drinking yoghurt is stirred yoghurt with total solid content not higher than 11% and has undergone further homogenization to reduce the viscosity.
Stirred style yoghurt
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